Nothing directly to do with io 0.0.1 beta++, but I will be participating in the Scientific American / American Museum of Natural History Beyond Planet Earth Tweetup on January 18, 2012, starting at 6:00 pm (EST). [More info…]
What does this, however indirectly, have to do with improvisation, semi-autonomous machine musicians, and real-time interactive musical automata? The answer lies between one of the most artful robotics projects, and the relationship between io’s generative innards and the harmony of the planets….
Here are the relevant twitter handles: @hanearlpark, @AMNH and @SciAm.
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[…] (Cork, 2010)detailsabout the machine musiciansabout the human performerscontact « Beyond Planet Earth Tweetup Beyond Planet Earth Tweetup: dreams of the future By Han-earl Park | Published: January 20, […]